I stumbled upon a site this morning that is a great writeup of the steps and plans to build a cafe racer. A nice read of the fundamentals and things you should think about and recognize as issues and considerations before you begin.
In fact, here's a link should anyone care to read the whole thing:
Thing is, like most things that are considered 'hobbies' in my world, I usually just sort of skim over or take certain liberties; I consider them recommendations or serving suggestions. And it's not because I think it's not valuable information, but rather I sometimes get more learning by doing it wrong the first time. Or the first couple times.
(Any ladies that know me please stay silent during this part. Thank you).
The point is, I eventually learn what I needed to learn and can move forward.
But I think, in my head, I do actually follow many of these steps. Though I think the concept of 'deciding what you want it to be' is really step 1 for me. I've got that image of previous builds or the way they did this bit was cool or that bit, and so on. Honestly, it's the real reason I'm doing this bike in the first place; seeing someone else's bike and getting stoked about what I can do with my own.
Isn't that the same reason men want a pretty girl? We saw another guy have a pretty girl and decided we want one, too.
Or maybe I'm getting off topic here.
My point is- the why it 'is' - the what it 'is' - the creation of 'it'- that's the coolest part. And then, by my nature anyway, figuring out how to make it 'that', is the funnest part of all. Bumps and bruises and mistakes notwithstanding.
Oh, and this helps, too.
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