Monday, March 21, 2016

One step forward, two backward

It was a weekend of details. Small steps and changes, so not much looks better or faster or cooler. Not in a big picture kind of way. Still, details are getting worked on and worked up and fixed up, so it's progress. Until...

I would imagine it won't be the last time that a well-laid plan turns to poo and requires some rethinking. But I'm all about rethinking and redoing if necessary. Just look at my life. :) Sorry- said I wouldn't do that anymore...

So, the rear sets don't fit. Well, they fit, but the linkages are too short and too long. And yes, that makes sense and it technically correct. I'll spare the details here. And they don't line up exactly right. Probably would be OK, but it's one of those things to get right and make it right, now, and so I shall.

Thing is, that requires a couple steps backward, since I have to first attempt to return them, and next buy the set that will actually fit and has the correct linkages. Of course they're twice as much, but there's no surprise. Still, getting what you paid for in this case is entirely accurate. And entirely worth it.

So, there's a small step forward and couple back, but the next phase is coming up shortly and will be great to move on. A new seat is on it's way thanks to a kindly gift of Benjamins, and the rear subframe was purchased this morning. So those two things are missing links that allow work on the charging system, the rear lights, the battery wiring, the tank wiring, the relay relocations...

You get the picture. And the picture will start to look like her new self, very soon.

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