Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mr. Clean

Someone close to me once said that there are cool things to see in a motorcycle engine. Especially a V-Twin. Lots going on, when you look for it. Well, I spent a lot of time looking for it, looking at it, looking around it, and scrubbing it. A lot of it. Scrubbing was the name of the game pretty much most of the weekend.

Gotta try and make those fins as clean can be.

Of course, a lot of builders are able to just disconnect everything and yank the motor out, steam clean and sand blast and repaint and rebuild and, well they actually know what they're doing. Much more so than I, but I do own a set of wrenches and a socket set and a big tool box, so it's sort of the same, right? Well, no, but I can do my best and get it mostly clean and mostly done right and I still have as much fun as they do, so there's that.

So anyway, back to the engine. Gotta be the coolest looking part of these bikes, right? That V shape, the fins, the pipes and curves and mechanical looking stuff that's 100 years old. And this technology 'technically' is 100 years old just about, not that I'm gonna get too self righteous about that, at least not today. So it's my plan to sort of celebrate the engine with this bike. Since it's already set up to be that way with the rear mono shock and top mounted frame, it's already celebrating the engine without knowing it. And, well, without all that disco-esque, 1983-esque, crap-esque stuff attached to it.

So I'm thinking a lot of this bike is going to end up some form of black. Create that shape and that platform and that stage where the V can shine. Take the spotlight. After all, it is a motorcycle, which in my mind is a seat and two wheels mounted to a cool looking motor. And that's what we're gonna do here, people.

So while much of that has been dispatched to the corner pile and yet to be name eBay auction (here's hoping...), I did get to spend some quality time removing a few things that will actually NOT be thrown out, but instead cleaned up and painted up and remounted back up soon. Parts I'm gonna actually use.

And I've got paint under my fingernails instead of grease. So, suddenly, it almost feels like we're getting somewhere...

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