Monday, March 28, 2016

Getting all tied up with the simple

Fun weekend. Nope, the parts I was hoping for didn't magically show up early. Funny how that never ever ever happens with UPS or FedEx. It's almost like they don't personally understand how important getting this package is to someone. So impersonal...

I did have a great time here and there working through some thoughts, getting a handle on next steps, starting a new Home Depot hardware list (yes, that part happens daily for the most part. but I have learned where to park that's closest to that aisle and closest to the best and fastest cashier there. So if that's not what you call learning I don't know what is).

Got the rear mono shock remote mounted finally. Where I wanted it, where it would reach, and getting it straight and true. Well, mostly to that last. Still, another detail gets crossed out.

I did have some enjoyment removing the tank on Saturday. Yeah, I dunno why it's fun to remove a tank... silly even. But it's another step of learning what's underneath, what goes where, how much room I'm gonna have once I remove X and replace with Y and move A over to D... you get the picture. Plus it's never a bad idea to be able to remove years of grime from areas that you don't see and yet know they are there. For me, anyway.

And never mind the fact of how much faster a clean motorcycle is than a dirty one.

It's scientifically proven.

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