Thursday, March 3, 2016

She looks faster already

It's funny. I obviously did a little bit of research and a far amount of dreaming the past couple years on owning a motorcycle again. I've owned several (and several different types) and some were more successful than others, but I really figured this 'cafe racer' thing- which by the way I'm starting to not like that term much- would be perfect for me. I've got an eye for something unique, a desire to be so, I like casual riding and I have no money. All that for a combination that seems to suit this cafe thing perfectly. I can buy an old cheap bike, strip off a bunch of stuff, paint things and change lines and all that, and viola! Success.

It's become a little eye opening for me which of these things are more important. I bought the bike two weeks ago. It runs fine and goes fine and stops fine. And now that I have title and plates and legalese on my side, I could be riding every day. Every weekend. I could put off this build for weeks or months. And yet, she's already getting torn into and the build has begun. Even with waiting weeks or more on some custom parts and items to arrive from places like The Netherlands and Thailand, it's still more fun (right now anyway) to begin the transformation and not ride.

I suspect maybe it has a lot to do with the fact that an 80's harley-clone motorcycle isn't really my thing and I feel somewhat out of place on her. I'm shallow.

So, the strip down began last night. Just a little bit, and as I've mentioned, that slow process of 'one-thing at a time and make sure it still works'. Still, it's funny how just a few things added to the growing pile in the corner, makes her start to look faster every day.

And I also suspect this weekend that pile in the corner will get even bigger.

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