Monday, September 12, 2016

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Perhaps I should have ended that last post with this sentiment, so I'm gonna add it in here. 'Cause you know, hindsight and that sorta thing.

I'm grateful for what I have and what I've been through. To consider this build as anything but a great distraction and a great expression of my thinkings and feelings and viewings of, well, these things, would be inaccurate.

So sometimes I get a little bit sorry for myself or get caught up in the can-nots instead of the cans, which is easy to do with this current model year I'm in. But- the important thing is- eye on the prize and moving ahead.

Which is ultimately what I want this bike to able to do. I want a motorcycle to ride. To ride. Repeat, to ride. I want it to go and stop and fill it up with gas and pick a destination and go there, and make it back safely, rinse and repeat. And as I've mentioned in a post not that long ago, I miss the idea of a solid motorcycle, once that goes and stop and starts and runs and does all those things a modern and in-good-condition bike will do.

Instead, I have a project. And, since I like riding more than I like working on them, I have a project that from time to time annoys me because it's not solid, starting, stopping, running, etc.

It's a project.

On some level, I'd rather have a painting to work on, or a song to write or whatever- something that doesn't make my activities dry up while I'm working on it. I like to hike; do it a lot and it's freeing and mental-helping and all those positives. And it I were designing and building and engineering my own hiking shoes... I'd be starting to get a little bit annoyed that I can't finish them up so I can go hike.

Strange analogy, I know. But it's sort of my wrestling sparing partner lately.

If I had another motorcycle, this wouldn't bother me in the least. So, clearly I need to buy another motorcycle right now.


Thing is, obviously can't do that, and there are many other financial restraints troubling me right now, including a tuition condition that has appeared out of nowhere. And one that could render much of this moot anyway.

Regardless of all this whining... I'm gonna get it done and make it run again. It's what I do and who I am and I will win. Sometimes, I stumble. but I will get there.

Sorting out the bugs and the dollars, that's what next.

All the rest is just waiting to be ridden.


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