Friday, September 9, 2016

Dance steps

It's starting to feel like I've been working on this bike for a long time. Well, it's not feeling like it's been such a long time, but I guess it has been a long time. Good moments and good progress and then, there's usually a mis-step or a backwards one, depending on the condition, knowledge, experience, financial or philosophical reason.

Take your pick.

This time, the front caliper is the culprit. Dunno why things aren't working of functioning as they should, but in order to find out vs. just getting annoyed and making ugly faces in a stare down contest of wills against an inanimate object (which I never win), I figured the inevitable needs to happen. It needs to come back off.

 The good thing about this back and forth and do overs I'm frequently engaged in here -  if there is such a thing as a good thing here - is that I do figure out fairly quickly which way is up and which way it came off and sort of try and knowleducate myself into some sort of understanding of the functionalities. Doesn't always work out that way, but I try and learn not just how it was attached prior to being ripped off / out, but the why it was.

Ultimately, it will make me a more comfortable individual with motorcycle maintenance, with is a good thing for sure. I remember working on my perviously owned MV Agusta F4....

Since it was used when I bought it (could never justify the cost of a brand new one vs. how often I was able to ride), it had sat in a private collection for many years and had only 160 miles on the clock when she became my girl. Hence, various engine things and electrical things slowly failed over time because of this. So I learned abut how things connected and interacted. It was nerve-racking the first time I took something off. But the second time (or third or fourth), no brainer.

Anyway, back to the Fury. Christine, I've decided to call her, even though she's not red.

I'm starting to wonder if the master cylinder I bought on eBay may be the culprit, but unsure what to do about it yet. It's one of those rolling of the dice things, buying things there vs. a local shop or a place where I can call and say 'uhhhh, I can't make it go, can you help me?'

Even with these things, brakes, that essentially have three main components, I can somehow not understand this simple organism and that, in turn, makes me feel dumb and annoyed and silly asking someone something. But, I do. No pride. I'm out here doing it, so I have no problem doing it wrong the first time and learning for the next.

It's how I do it, yo.

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