Wednesday, September 14, 2016

How fast? Do the math.

Another care package arrived from China yesterday. Who knew I had so many friends in China??

My new trick speedo and tachometer arrived. And if you caught it- the intentionally kilometers per hour version, as a nod to my cafe racer origins and brethren in the UK and others. I know it's a small silly detail, but I figured it would be a fun detail, and honestly I'm gonna have more than a few legalities stretched for the good ol DMV as it is, so why not add one or two why I'm at it.

Yeah, that's the way my mind works. Scary, I understand.

Which reminds me I'll need to remember to get some insurance coverage happening on this thing soon, if it's really gonna happen that it's gonna run soon. Oh, and let the DMV know it's not in storage anymore, too. Don't want to break any laws here. Geessh.

Funny thing is, there have been plenty of times when I thought to myself while sitting at a left turn light on a back road somewhere late at night, when no one within a hundred miles of me, and I'm sitting at this light that won't change because it can't register the weight of a motorcycle on the sensors or whatever... So I think to myself I'm a grown man and a responsible one (mostly) and can safely turn and it'll all be OK.

And have done this many times. Or variations on that theme. And only caught once, and pulled over for the effort. He looked at me like what are you doing? And I explained the above theory, and it's reasons and how I was careful and used good judgement and well, he let me off with a stern 'don't do that anymore and don't tell anyone I let you off for doing it' look and off I went.

Don't want to push my luck with such things too far, however.

Anyway, back to speedo. I had to of course walk over to the garage and hand tighten them in place and step back. Dig it. And it feels and looks like a motorcycle coming together.

Even if it's all disconnected underneath.

Sometimes I feel like I am a little bit, too. So she and I are maybe more a like all the time.

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