Tuesday, September 13, 2016

One step closer

So, that big day approaches. The countdown continues. Still dunno what's doable and what's possible, but I think I need to take the bull by the horns and grapple him to the ground. Even if I just let him back up to grab some lunch or go find the herd. Getting him down right now is the key thing.

Got some money challenges with this one, per usual. I may have that sorted enough to get me to the ride - in like 12 days or whatever it is now. I'm not counting. I'm not counting.

The new turn signals arrived yesterday. I dig em.

Surprisingly quality, too. Heavy weight and good stuff. They weren't the most expensive but weren't the cheapest, so maybe that's a trend I should abide by on eBay from time to time.

I messed around with mounting them last night, where they should go, etc. At one point a great location was also the location of a bolt already in that place, so it could have been an easy swap. But alas, a half inch off was enough to keep them from that spot and another will have to be assigned, drilled, tapped, and then we're good to go.

The next major hurdle is getting a battery and trying to sort out the wiring harness once again. Or, going the bigger yet longer term route and purchase an M-unit and wire it all up from scratch. Way better in the long run, and can grow and add accessories or things I decide to add as time permits. But, for the here and now, can just wire up the starter relay and the ignition and the battery and go go go.

And the new turn signals, of course.

Tick tock tick tock...

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