OK, procrastination aside, and life events aside, I gotta get movin'. And I gotta get this thing movin'.
[ see previous post for details on the why's... since my own why's can be changed, but this one cannot. ]
I was out of town a couple days last week, which was awesome but not really productive for the build. Then had a lazy weekend and spent some time with the boy, which again, was awesome but not really productive for the build.
And now I have a deadline, so it's a little bit of gettin' serious time now. Which is also probably great for me since deadlines help. #DeadlinesMatter, people.
[ sorry for slightly insensitivity-ness...]
Anyway- back to the subject at hand. I did get the Fury emblem attached (the one that isn't broken) to the one side, and I dig it.
I'll likely be taking some additional photos soon, but really want to just get things I can do, done. There's a shorter list than ever of the things needed to finish it up, but those things have large price tags attached to them as well, so will take a bit of financial silliness to accomplish. I've got a little bit of room for that, though I had more room before I chose instead to visit my daughter in Chicago for a couple days. But I'll be making that choice every time, and that's just how it is. There's another trip to the other daughter, and fresh out of the oven grandkid, in September, so gotta just put the blinders on a bit and be slightly less frugal or responsible or whatever word I should use here, for the sake of this build, this ride, this deadline, and honestly, this life.
Having a running motorcycle in my world will be really great. It's been a while since I've had the option of a weekend on two wheels and it's easy to forget how much of an escape it is. And escaping is something I should be looking to do these days, so getting it running and available will be a joy, for sure.
I still have the front end to sort out. The brakes need fluid and bleeding, then that hopefully will be good to go. My first install, repair, take apart and cross fingers brake job, so crossing fingers I shall be, though will fully check and recheck prior to jamming on down the road, to be sure. Once I get it good to stop, then I gotta make it good to go again. In the back of my mind I regretting not having run some fuel stabiliser through the system prior to removing everything, so I'm really hoping there's not too much gunk build up in the carbs and that will rectify itself once it starts again.
Not much I can do about it now 'cept regret it, so I'm gonna just keep plugging ahead.
At any rate, I've gotta get it into gear, so progress needs to start happening real soon. I'm thinking the brakes and the forks next, since that will be almost zero money having to spend, and it's also something that has to be right. Probably this weekend, unless I get some evening time to give this a go. After that, it's electrical time....
And that part is sure to be it's own battle of will and wits...
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