I sat at the breakfast counter this morning. Yeah, the same counter that doubles as the lunch counter and the dinner counter, too. It's a very versatile counter. Anyway, I sat at the versatile counter with my iPad and looking, or rather counting the days remaining until the ride. The big day. The deadline. D-Day.
(no disrespect intended.)
And to my amazement!!... there are fewer days left than there were the last time I checked.
Weird, I know.
Trouble is now that it may come down to a money thing. There's roughly $500 or so out there needed... unless I can get lucky and the stock wiring will somehow function without major surgery, of which I am no doctor or surgeon. The stupid, ultra-cool and modern technology battery I need - since none of the old-school and normal and cheap batteries will FIT in the crazy thing - is half of that remaining piggy bank, which kills me. Plus, given the AZ heat, I can't let a battery like that go un-attended and un-charged, so I'll need to buy a trickle charger- and, you guessed it!, those are special and cost more, too!
Now this is a roll I don't prefer to be on.
The thing is, I've spent so much time and energy on this bike, and when I've not been in the garage for several days and haven't seen her in a while, I still get that smile and that wanna go ride tender feeling in my nether-regions (heh heh, heh heh), so I'll likely find a way. I've come so far, and although this ride schedule has thrown my ones and zeros a little upside down and is moving that elusive decimal point the wrong direction in the bank account, I'm still very close to getting her on the road again.
Like a band of gypsies, we go down the highway.
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