Tuesday, August 30, 2016

And then the tide turns

The wanting to get this bike build completed and ride again has been growing for the past several weeks and months. I had admittedly become somewhat lackadaisical in my desire and/or abilities to finish the task. Sure, there have been more than one or two instances where money was a solid wall to get around to continue the journey, but sometimes just my own lackadaisical-ness has been the culprit. It happens. I'm not perfect.

Surprisingly, I know.

It's been nice seeing new parts arriving, the few remaining bits I've needed to get it running again. Soon it shall be so. I don't think I'm off track too far to not get it running soon. The rear sets should get finalized this weekend or maybe sooner. It may take some extra time considering how many things have to be removed (again) and reinstalled in this new order to function properly. But considering it's a holiday weekend coming up, I should get some progress made.

The troubling thing is, I woke up today to another one of those irreversible or unchangeable life things. Another one. Yep. They seem to keep rolling in like the tide; always on time and always relentless. This one really can't be ignored, as good as I can sometimes be at such things.

So it's looking likely that the Virago will be finding a new home, and such as that is, I will need to get her running soon. The investment is great enough that a semi-top dollar take would be most welcome, so I need to polish her up well and get her running right. Starting at first try, all lights and such working as they properly should, etc. Don't have to last now, but do have to work now.

Luckily, or mostly so, there's not a ton of parts still to buy. And except for the battery (which is a big except) most things are pretty cheaply bought. The speedo and tach gauges are fairly cheap from eBay, as are the rear turn signals. It looks like I'm gonna try and make the current headlight that I own work in this setup; not ideal, but sometimes ideal is something that can't be reached and we must do what we must do.

I'm also assuming the prior wiring harness will be reusable. It worked before so should once again. It isn't the way I wanted to finish things up, but I'll have to think on whether or not an additional $300 gets me that back or helps it sell faster or more better. More better is always a good thing, but more better isn't likely this time around. Not sure what the market is for 33 year old half-assed cafe conversions, but I'm guessing it won't be very great. I wouldn't pay what I've got in this thing so far, so unlikely another will.

But, like with most thing... we shall see.

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