Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Nip and Tuck

Since I'm in a bit of a holding pattern until a couple of vital parts arrive for this weekend's Big Transformation Occurrence... - yes, it's BTO - I wasn't gonna do much in the garage last night. Was on the phone a bit, was sorta not feeling it, not in a great mood to go see the girl and find out what she needs... Was just gonna stay away for the night. But, that rarely actually works and so I found myself keying in the garage code and beginning again.

And side note- since yesterday was The Force Awakens DVD launch day, my garage code was even more fitting than usual.

What you did there, I see.

Ended up being a fun night. Got stopped by a couple guys in my complex wanting to talk up the bike and ask questions. One of them is about to do the same sort of project fix up and seems to be in a similar boat to mine in that he's not a mechanic either.

Why can't I befriend a mechanic?? Is that too much to ask??

Anyway, was fun talking it up and showing it off a bit. Not much to show off except work in progress and pieces on the ground and 'this is what this will be' sort of things. Still, good times. Beer was shared, bond for life, that sort of thing.

So, since I was in there and it wasn't 3 in the morning (yet) and I did have a nice new Sevendust playlist on Spotify, I was good to go. Good to do something. So, why not start one of those critical 'take your time and do it right' projects instead of something easier or less important? Nothing has ever gone wrong with that mentality before.

The stock tank had Yamaha emblems. And, since this was built in 1983 and not 2016 where they've actually invented this space-aged polymer of gooey stuff known as 'glue', the emblems are actually screwed into the tank using an elaborate set of pulleys and cams and gears. Well, not really, but it was a lot of metal and stuff all just to stick a couple logos on the side. Perhaps they wanted to really follow the Harley rules of over-engineering technology from the 1800's as much as possible.

Anyway, like many things on this build, they gotta go. So body filler applied. Step one anyway. Maybe tonight more sanding and step 2...  Maybe not.

Depends on the mood. Or perhaps as I'm discovering more and more, moods can be changed.

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