Monday, April 25, 2016


So, it's Monday again. And yes, I'm expecting some deliveries today that I had hoped would arrive a few days ago; beginning to be a broken record, that tune. Anyway, not a lot of progress this past weekend, though maybe some enlightenment.

Some personal, and some mechanical. I guess if you (or I, in this case) spend enough time in the sun, some things become clearer. Perhaps a bit like Moses wondering around in the desert all those years past, I sometimes find some clarity or some interesting conversations while wondering around my own desert here in AZ. And there's lots of desert around here to wonder around in.

And yes, I sometimes talk out loud to myself while wondering around said desert. Luckily no one seems to bear witness to such things.

Anyway, mechanical enlightenment in the form of solutions and plans to solve the remaining issues. It's beginning to look like the "what's gonna be on the tank?" is the final remaining puzzle piece yet discovered, so I'm still unsure what to do with that thing. Likely will be whatever might be easiest/fastest/look the bestest kind of solution, but given that it can actually be the final thing to take care of - literally - I'm probably gonna move on and take care of some other things and deal with it at some point later.

Probably last.

I did mention my ability to put things off, right?

The weekend wasn't without it's share of progress though, as I rolled her out of the garage and into the sunlight for a couple hours while I cleaned up the space a bit, threw some parts away, piled up the parts I'm selling, and generally made it a little bit more organized in there. Once the new clip-ons arrive, I can do and re-do the front end once more. I think I've figured out where best to mount them, so it's back to removing the front wheel, then the fork tubes, then the existing clip-ons I currently have, then lower the forks, remount the front wheel and the brake caliper and the gaiters, etc.

I also mentioned the part where I do things twice, too, yes?

As for the personal enlightenment, yes, it's probably not hard to read between some of these lines every so often and see that there's another side to all this. This build, this bike, where I happen to be in my own universe these days and the things that cruise around inside my head and the thoughts that seep into my sleep at night- all these things seem to be intertwined within me right now. And I don't think it's by accident. I believe that God places things and ideas in our head and in our path at times when we need them. And sometimes when we need them most.

This bike is just a motorcycle. It's metal and rubber and some other things I couldn't possible detail. This build is hardly the first time anyone's done this to this bike, and I'm no pioneer with mechanical guinness or design ability. But the timing of the build along with the culmination of these events, coupled with my own issues and shortcomings and hard-comings and everything else that has happened that I feel badly about and would take back, or the things I wish for the future or for myself or my children and all that esoteric wishingness that I do - I couldn't possibly think that it all doesn't have Someone's hand at work, and at play.

That's just His style.

So I'm enjoying the build, and loving the effort and the hours and the busted knuckles. And I'm also enjoying the wondering around the desert. The time inside my head, and the clarity that comes from being out there.

Just like Billy said (sorta)...

Well there's nothing to lose, and there's nothing to prove.

So I'll be talking with myself.

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