Friday, April 8, 2016


Weekends. The next one is all but here, and as I find myself thinking a bit this morning (while I have my coffee and stare at the workload like it's gonna jump off the desk and start walking on it's own any second now) about some bike things I want to accomplish this weekend, it is a little bit of a mixed bag.

It's not looking like some (or any) of the parts I was hoping would arrive by this weekend are indeed going to make it in time. I'm sure it'll be bright and early Monday arrival once more, though that has little comfort in it. Plus, I'm in Chicago to see my girl next weekend so nothing will get done on the bike then. So, needless to say, this one was gonna be a big one.

Still, it will be good and productive and working on the bike during daylight hours does have it's perks, especially when you're old and your eyesight is not what it once was and things of that sort. The giant leap forward I was seeing for this weekend won't happen in it's fullest sense, but it will still be good. There's always lots to do, and once the bike does start looking 70% complete, then 80% complete... I will want these little things to already be accomplished by then.

Anyway, today was also payday. Every two weeks it's a battle between the forces of good and evil, of bills and toys, of wants and needs. If you know me, you may guess which of these two I generally lean towards, even if just slightly. After all, we do have responsibilities in life. But life is always a little more fun when there's some shenanigans going on.

So, we give a little to the man or the grocery store and the electric company, and then throw a few bucks at a small bit needed for this or that... and in the meantime, fret over decisions, colors, tire treads, bolt threads, jacket threads. Blog threads even. And then we wait for said item to arrive and get bolted on or painted or otherwise tweaked to my own specifications. Which lately involves utilizing this part that was actually created to be part X and making it work as part Z.

Part of the fun, actually.

But I am looking forward to tonight and tomorrow and Sunday. No plans to speak of, and sometimes a weekend just needs an openness to it. Friday night is usually a mental 'planning' evening, followed by a beer somewhere or a movie. Saturday early morning hike and coffee and/or breakfast out is fun, then it's get busy time. Probably go see the boy at his restaurant job at some point, so I can spend 3 times what I would otherwise spend on a sandwich and a beer. Sunday is a visit to church to give thanks to the real God before I dive into another epic battle with the mechanical god and a 14mm socket wrench. And a decent swear word thrown in here or there for good measure.

I guess in the end, it is about the build and the journey, so I have little to complain about. Actually quite the opposite, so there won't be any complaining this weekend. And as I said- it's payday.

And we are working for the weekend.

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