So, the big box of goodies is on it's way home. To me and to her; my Japanese mistress that's been sitting there quietly and patiently waiting for some attention. Neglected doesn't even start to cover it. And with the weather getting better all the time around her in AZ, I've missing opportunities to ride for sure.
I did stop in the garage this weekend. No, no work. But mom was over for the day to meet my dog and see my place and buy me lunch (thanks mom). I also dragged her with me to a guitar shop to 'pick up' one of mine that was ready to come home. So, 45 minutes later we made it to lunch. Sorry mom, but that blonde guitar on the wall, she wanted some one-on-one time and really needs to come home with me.
I'm smitten by certain blondes. It's a weakness, people.
Anyway, hopefully really soon I can get back to the garage and get some progress made. This incoming shipment is gonna have many of the things needed for such progress, and there will undoubtedly be some snafus and other "where does this go again" sort of pauses, but I think it's gonna come together. I really do.
It's not really that strange and actually quite logical, but still- sitting on the bike and putting your feet up on the pegs and your hands on the bars and looking around at the bike, it's weird when I push the start button and nothing happens. Or the turn signal. Like- there's a button that says ON, so why doesn't anything happen??
And no, logic isn't a strong suite of mine. I'm more in the wishful thinking camp.
But it's those straddling the bike and getting it off the kickstand moments that really make me wanna get it going again.
And, oh yeah, I gotta figure out what I'm doing with that kickstand next, too.
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