Wednesday, February 8, 2017


So, I got all excited and worked up a few weeks ago about finally being able to purchase this magical little box of electrical wizardry  that I need so I can get this bike project running. Or at least, what I need to get this bike project to the next step in it's build process.

One step at a time, is still one step ahead.

So it was with gigantic irony that it's been backordered. For weeks now. Still not shipped out.

That's so funny I forgot to laugh.

I'm this close to really diving in once again and getting bitten by the bug that is this bike build. It's literally been a year since it's made any noise and that's never a good thing to own a motorcycle that's not made noise for that long a time. I was in the garage for a few minutes the other day - for something totally unrelated to the actual motorcycle in there - which is in and of itself it's own tragedy. Seeing her still sitting there where I left her- which is a good thing, that part. 'Cause ya never know when you start unbolting and re-bolting things.

But that's about the only good thing. Hopefully these parts will find their way to their shop, so they can then find their way to mine. And soon.

This shop I'm buying these parts from host or are a part of this now annual event (4th year this one) called the Hand Built Motorcycle Show. So, granted a little ironic that I'm thinking about trying to attend, seeing as how broke I often am. But still, I'm thinking about trying to attend. Would be very cool to see what the pros can do to these things, and that renewed excitement for my own build will be infectious, no doubt. Plus, I've got a grandkid a 3-hour tour from there...

A 3-hour tour.

So, before the weather starts to get rough... (sorry, I'll stop now) I'm looking into it. Maybe a big loop, hitting Chicago for a couple days and a Cubs game with daughter (Thing One) then down to Dallas for daughter (Thing Two) and grandkid and hubby (her's, not mine). Then head down to Austin for the weekend and the show.

Plus, it's the MotoGP weekend in Austin, too.

So now I've got that bug biting me even harder.

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