Thursday, January 12, 2017

The final nail

There's a local shop here. A small one, and I get the impression it's one that's not a full-time gig for the 'owner'. Still, they do nice looking work and the owner dude has been very helpful in my quest for answers.

Sort of.

He seems very nice, and we've exchanged numbers and he's texted me over the months. It felt funny enough that, at one point, I was gonna have a new friend. Which, at that time especially, I would have welcomed such an occurrence and arrival. Perhaps I was too pushy or wasn't what he was looking for? Maybe someone else, with more personality, or hair.

Anyway, he's resurfaced from time to time on Facebook, so this morning I once again upon seeing my post about sucking at electronics or something of that sort, asked 'what are you doing tonight?' as some sort of passive-aggressive wanting to help but not really wanting to help. I dunno. I'm probably being a little bit of an ass right now, or at least sounding like one. Maybe. I usually just have a small tolerance for people who don't do what they say they will do, or come through on promises made, or just in a general sense be a good human.

Ultimately, if you'd rather not help, that's perfectly fine. Just don't imply or infer that you can/will/want to. I used to hear from my semi-estranged father this kind of thing. "Thinking about visiting next spring", "we should get together", etc. In the end, he doesn't really mean it and I'm well beyond pushing for that sort of thing any longer. Don't mean to get personally out of whack here in this post- I guess my point is - just don't say those things. I don't need you to or am asking for it. So instead of this guy promising he can come by and help, then not showing up, then days later or weeks later either apologizing or forgetting or ignoring altogether, I'd rather you just not have promised it in the first place.

People. Craziness.

Thing is, I ask little of others. I usually will just suffer through trying to figure it out myself. But I will and do ask for help. I asked him for help before, since he's done this before and all that. Even this morning he's saying "that can't be that hard to fix" and things like that. This time, I didn't ask for help, and he didn't offer it. In the past, I even offered to pay him a couple hours worth of shop time to help me solid up some things on this bike. That seemed to legitimize my attempts at fixing this bike as, well, legit and serious. When he fell through with promises made when I created that offer, I was done. Bad way to run a business and a worse way to act towards others.

He did say the bike looks great. So there's that.

Anyway, a sort of angry post today. It'll pass. Probably already has. Was shopping eBay for a couple small things still needed, and visited that site with my M-Unit on sale. She's still waiting for me to call.

Soon, noise we shall hear, once again. I'm feelin it.

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