Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Getting caught

So last night it happened again. Funny, 'cause it's not like I'm doing this every single time, but yeah... I was spied sitting on the bike once again. Though it was for a good cause; I moved the clip-ons back somewhat away from the tank, since at full lock my thumbs getting pinched between them and the tank on both sides. Not a good thing, and at speed it definitely wouldn't be a good thing. So- solution. I could either move the clip ons on top of the triple clamp (which involves taking all the front end apart once more) or just spread them apart slightly (which involves four bolts).

Guess which I went with??

The angle isn't too bad, but to completely remove any chance of hitting the tank involves moving them wayyy far apart, which isn't comfortable and isn't really particularly good looking either. And for me, it's gotta be at least one or the other. When you can't have either, where's the point in that?

So for now, I'm gonna just go with this slight compromise and see how it works out. As I've said more than probably 3 times by now, I just wanna get her running again and me smiling while she's running again, and can always go back and change/adjust/move/alter/fix/etc as necessary.

In fact, it's probably safe to assume there will be a very slow shake down cruise and short distances away from home base. This will both keep the list of things to fix easily remembered, and keeps the distances of which I'd have to push the bike back home within some sort of plausible length.

It's not a trust thing. It's a know-me thing. And I figure by my planning that part out in advance, I'm sort of learning and growing as a person and human being and making the world a better place.


So anyway, last night involved some measuring and some planning and note taking; not a lot of production. Was on the phone with a daughter and distracted a little by a cool song and soccer on TV and texting and this and that... but I do need to get on with it a little bit. This week is tough with all those aforementioned happenings, and so it may mean not a lot happens in the next few days either. Still, I have the measurements for the battery compartment so I should find one and get that ordered. Wiring is up next, along with getting the tank sprayed.

And I think I'm gonna look to do that this weekend, should the weather cooperate. And here in Arizona, it's likely to be hot and dry.

So let's get 'er done, folks.

I've got the braided stainless lines in and want/need/don't have to but it's how I do things need to decide on the color of the tank so I can decide on the color of the small clamps for the hoses... so one thing leads to another, thank you The Fixx.

Gonna have to listen to that one now...

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