Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Revenge of the Spreadsheet

I've always been a weird type. Sometimes I hear things different. Maybe it's my short attention span or how I'm wired, or maybe it's wrecked ears from too many rehearsals with a loud drummer (thanks Matt). But sometimes it just takes a little more effort or understanding, or just really how it's said... for it to sink in.

You can tell me something is blue. You can remind me something is blue. You can yell at me that something is blue. For weeks. It's blue. Yeah yeah, it's blue.

Then one day, you can tell me it's 'cyan'... and I get it. Suddenly its processed in the same way it should have been all this time, and yet, for reasons stated above and hundreds of other ones (probably) its 'cyan' that got me. And yes, you can probably guess how much fun I am to be married to now.

The point of all this insight into my weirdo brain is a strange one. Or a silly one. My apartment complex has been sold recently, and the new ownership has sent me an invoice of my rent due. With a breakdown of all the charges, like trash and water and rent... and a garage space.

And suddenly, even though I knew it was there and have known for months and paying it willingly and hating that extra Benjamin leaving me each month... it was far more impactful. Seeing that line item there in front of me... I hated that extra cost. It impacted me. And perhaps I should have had this same reaction each and every month, but I haven't and didn't. But seeing it as this listing on a sheet of paper, hearing it called 'cyan', it grabbed me a bit this morning.

So while July is all but here and there's nothing I can do to prevent another Benjamin saying goodbye to his quant little comfortable space in my wallet and moving on into the world, I can use this new knowledge and power for good, and get this bike running and out of the garage.

Even if it has to move into the living room instead.

Friday, June 24, 2016

'Cause I said so

So, I guess at some point we make decisions. Decisions that will either make our life better or our wardrobe better or a music collection better, etc. Decisions. And sometimes it's a cross between function and form, that mythical crossroad where the two meet to battle it out for which is more important. Also, I guess sometimes you can tell the type of person of which one or the other is more prevalent. Sometimes.

Anyway, my point is about the center stand. It's great the bike has one. I've had others before it that had one, too. I've had some very specific race-ish bikes that wouldn't dare have one, and I used a paddock stand for those just fine. I've also had a cruiser or two that couldn't have had one, considering they weighed so much it probably would have been difficult if not impossible to actual utilize such a thing.

So now I'm faced with whether or not to remove mine. It's got one mounted right now, and other than it being slightly more difficult to get the bike up on it since lowering the forks, it works fine. The new exhaust however, is getting banged up slightly each time the center stand gets folded up, so at some point that's gonna get more annoying than worth keeping.

It's also not that this bike wouldn't benefit from losing a few more pounds either, and that piece probably weighs 7 or 8 pounds all by itself. So there's that.

It comes around to that choice again; form or function. Having the ease of a center stand handy is great, and this bike is not going to suddenly start winning street races because the center stand is no longer there. On the other hand, cafe bikes usually don't have one, it's ugly (big reason there) and... well, it's ugly.

See that form vs. function thing coming up once again. A theme perhaps, or a tell-tale sign of where I usually land on that equation. Shallow as I can be, sometimes...

I'm thinking I'm likely going to leave it mounted for the build phase, since it keeps the bike more steady and more importantly upright. Once we're all moving and roaring again I'll probably take it off.

Just because I can. And just because it's not necessary.

And I wanna.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

When it's turned on its head

I used to play guitar. Well, I guess I could say I still play guitar and haven't forgotten everything I've learned through the years and can probably pick one up and play enough things to convince a stranger I know what I'm doing. But, for sake of this statement, when I did play guitar regularly and would go see my favorite player do a show (you know, someone good at it) I would always leave with this double-edged thought... one, that was great and inspiring, and two, that I should just quit playing now and give up.

Probably more of a reflection on me, really. This "I dig it and it's a great way to express myself but I don't seem to have the attention span to get really really good at it and so as good as I am right now will just have to do".... And, I guess just like proper grammar and sentence structure... I seem to just do it my way and that's that. Sometimes.

Anyway, this morning I saw this...

The same 1983 Yamaha XV750.

Now granted, a pro builder did this and I understand. But It gave me that same double-edged feeling of inspiration and heartache.

But only for a few moments.

So, leaning harder on the inspirational take on it, I can see some of the things they did here, and honestly can get close to understanding and/or utilizing some of this inspiration. Which is sort of the point anyway... So, the chain drive from shaft drive conversion I won't be looking at, so we can toss that out. Which limits the rear tire size but I knew about that and it's OK. I'm not looking for a great canyon carver with this build since I had one of the best of those earlier in my life and this will not even come close. This is a different animal.

Beyond the chain drive, their exhaust system, although custom, looks very similar to the lines of mine, so that part's great. Check. We are utilizing the same rear subframe (the look of it anyway) and the seat itself is the same. Check. While I dig the painted engine and tranny bits the way they did it up, I'm probably not gonna copy that stuff. I gotta be me and will only take inspiration of another so far before I put my own spin on it. Pro shop or not.

Once we get past that, then they go a little bit crazy with the R1 forks and wheel (would love to do but won't/can't), and the tank swap lends itself to the wire wheels they also changed. But since I'm sticking with the stock wheel designs it came with, I'm keeping the tank as is, too. Mostly out of money and/or ability to change it out mechanical ability level. Then their pro-level paint job finishes it off quite nicely.

So, I guess from all this I can come full circle. It's always great to see what others do with this platform, and since it's not one of those true cafe conversions that are closer to those actual cafe conversions from the 60's and 70's, like a Honda CB500 or Triumphs or Nortons... It's a early 80's mono shock Japanese cruiser experiment that lasted 3 years before they pulled the plug for something else.

It's a perfect platform for others (and me) to do whatever they want with it. It can be made to look cafe styled, or can be something completely different yet custom and interesting. Mine will fall somewhere in the middle I suppose, and that's OK. It's mine and I wanted it to be that. Mine own limitations notwithstanding.

And ultimately it's more me that way. Completely different yet interesting.

Of course, that depends on who you ask.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Getting caught

So last night it happened again. Funny, 'cause it's not like I'm doing this every single time, but yeah... I was spied sitting on the bike once again. Though it was for a good cause; I moved the clip-ons back somewhat away from the tank, since at full lock my thumbs getting pinched between them and the tank on both sides. Not a good thing, and at speed it definitely wouldn't be a good thing. So- solution. I could either move the clip ons on top of the triple clamp (which involves taking all the front end apart once more) or just spread them apart slightly (which involves four bolts).

Guess which I went with??

The angle isn't too bad, but to completely remove any chance of hitting the tank involves moving them wayyy far apart, which isn't comfortable and isn't really particularly good looking either. And for me, it's gotta be at least one or the other. When you can't have either, where's the point in that?

So for now, I'm gonna just go with this slight compromise and see how it works out. As I've said more than probably 3 times by now, I just wanna get her running again and me smiling while she's running again, and can always go back and change/adjust/move/alter/fix/etc as necessary.

In fact, it's probably safe to assume there will be a very slow shake down cruise and short distances away from home base. This will both keep the list of things to fix easily remembered, and keeps the distances of which I'd have to push the bike back home within some sort of plausible length.

It's not a trust thing. It's a know-me thing. And I figure by my planning that part out in advance, I'm sort of learning and growing as a person and human being and making the world a better place.


So anyway, last night involved some measuring and some planning and note taking; not a lot of production. Was on the phone with a daughter and distracted a little by a cool song and soccer on TV and texting and this and that... but I do need to get on with it a little bit. This week is tough with all those aforementioned happenings, and so it may mean not a lot happens in the next few days either. Still, I have the measurements for the battery compartment so I should find one and get that ordered. Wiring is up next, along with getting the tank sprayed.

And I think I'm gonna look to do that this weekend, should the weather cooperate. And here in Arizona, it's likely to be hot and dry.

So let's get 'er done, folks.

I've got the braided stainless lines in and want/need/don't have to but it's how I do things need to decide on the color of the tank so I can decide on the color of the small clamps for the hoses... so one thing leads to another, thank you The Fixx.

Gonna have to listen to that one now...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Play it by ear

OK. We're gonna see how this goes.

The bike has sort of been, for several months now, at the same intersection as a few other things in my world.  And I remember when my world seemed large and expansive and there were always places to go and things to see and wants to have and needs to fulfill and lists to bucket. For the last couple, it's been more like survival and getting through it and getting by it and dealing with it. Now, I'm feeling more and more this need to get there and move beyond... to have my life back.

So I get this bike and start tearing into it with the same excited and nervous energy of change that I've done in the past a few times before. Really want something bad enough or really need a change bad enough and, well, there you go. Sometimes taking that step towards potential insanity is enough. Sometimes just looking over the edge of that same insanity is enough to make you think twice about it. I guess in my personal life, that step was needed, and despite it's difficulty and the sheerness of that cliff, it was necessary. Jumping was necessary.

And even with the struggles that came from it, they were not a direct result of this decision and so, being more like collateral damage than residual damage, I can somewhat live with that decision, and just deal with what's in front of me now. The real things to fix and make right. Hard decisions have been made and are over with; deal with the real now.

So back to the bike. I've gotta and I'm gonna move beyond the financial things that sort of eat at me and discourage at me, too. And instead, just do it. Excuses be damned and weather and daylight and feelings and the wrong playlist and being out of beer, be damned. As life has taught me of late (and yes, there have also been sermons and there's been advice from friends and of course that voice in my head, too), but I've learned - it's time to get on with it.

I've made some choices lately that will reduce my financial overhead little bits here and some more bits there, and those are things that make getting to sleep at night a little more easily achievable. It's also gonna have the effect of reducing my living quarters quite a bit, and with this new financial outlook also comes losing the garage space, too. I don't necessarily have to lose it, but really it's a bit of all hands on deck and get 'er done kind of mood right now. It's an Everything Must Go Sale, so there's little point in going to third base and not rounding home plate.

And no, I will not make any additional comments of such things in this family forum...

Metaphors aside, I've given myself until August to finish with the garage. Dunno if this is doable and it may be September, but that's only because I may have a trip to Chicago in July and will have a trip to Dallas in August- grand baby time. But anyway, the point is this- I'm getting on with the bike and getting it running soon. I can return to working on it at points in the future since it's not about a deadline or a mantel piece or a bike rally.

It's been that intersection of things going on in my world and it's been something that's become a metaphor for change, and improvement  in my life. And a reminder that, even me, can reinvent and become something better than before.

Monday, June 13, 2016

What I think I always knew

Sometimes I get in these moods when I just want to clear everything out. Throw things I don't need away, and give away or donate away. It's cathartic a bit to just clean house and rid myself of the extraneous. And sometimes I just throw stuff in a bin or drawer or, in this case toolbox, and see what or if I'll ever have the need again.

So I guess I found a way to use those extra IKEA bolts from a dozen years ago that the bed for college (or maybe dresser) was 'supposed' to be using. And I guess I found it a little surprising that they were indeed still in the toolbox drawer. but happy they were, and perhaps this will start a new trend of my keeping things around. Though probably not.

So, along with some TLC and some sparks I was able to shorten and reuse the IKEA bolts for my new and most expensive air cleaner I've ever bought in my life; ladies and gentlemen I give you, the K&N air filter.

[ applause ]

And hurray for the metric system and the simplicity of the rest of the world except for us. Without whom these bolts and all this would not have been possible.

Anyway, felt good to get that sorted finally. And in a way, it is indeed a slightly global effort I have going on here. I have a motorcycle made in Japan, a sub frame from Florida, a seat from Singapore, an air filter adapter from Australia, tires from Italy, bolts from Sweden... and I've got some Hungarian in me, so there's that.

After the air cleaner victory (yes, I'm gonna call it that), I moved on to the mounting of the license plate. And in a way I wanted this to be last, since it felt like the final stamp to roadworthiness and legality, so it seemed logical to leave it till the end. But perhaps the very fact that it felt logical to do it that way meant I was ultimately never going to actually do it that way. And so I didn't.

Needed to take a bit off the top to make it land where I wanted to, but that was an easy task. It's amazing that when you have the right tool for the job it goes soooo much faster/easier/better. Still, got the right sized hole drilled and the right length created and painted up. And yes, it did make me feel like I could start it up and cruise down the block. So that part sucked. In lieu of that ability, I did push it to the nearest parking slot for a photo op though. Vanity strikes again.

Although I've got some work things happening this week which could tie up my evenings, my hope for the next 7 days is to shore up the front brake with some fluids and bleeding (the lines, not me. Hoping...) and get a new battery ordered. Maybe prep and/or paint the tank if I can get the weather to cooperate a bit more. Temps here haven't been conducive to paint drying very well. Then it'll be on to that wiring harness and one of the last remaining frontiers by which to tame.

Then maybe I won't have to push it around so much... Crossing fingers for that part.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Bend but don't break

Good advice. Seems to be how my life has been these last couple years. Challenges and obstacles are two things I don't remember quite being around as much back then, though I suppose they were indeed, just in different forms. Anyway, life is life and the show must go on and so we shall.

It is a good segway however, and the thought that popped in my head as I started this post. Bending not breaking. My new acquired Fury emblems will fit nicely, assuming I can get them to bend not break a bit themselves. Just a small curve actually so shouldn't be too difficult. Maybe apply a little heat to help it along. Or leave in sitting on the sidewalk here in Arizona for a few minutes might do the trick, too.

Next up is grind off the three small tabs on the back, since I doubt drilling holes in the gas tank to mount them that way is a good way to go. Something about lousy gas mileage or something...

One down and one to go.

A little side note. It's funny how grabbing a bench grinder (or a handheld grinder, too) and seeing as shower of sparks feels so cool. So custom. So freeing. You can tell I'm not a full time garage goer and don't spend my living doing mechanical things for this part to be this enjoyable. And I freely admit to not being the baddest mechanical genius ever, and I should probably just try to contain my jumping up and down at the thought of making a mess on the garage floor. And not mention such things, you know, here on the internet.


The size appears to be just right, too. A little smaller than my initial Photoshop trials, though no one ever said Photoshop had reality down, so no loss there. I think this smaller size is really better anyway, and once I trim the bottom of the tank off visually, they should be perfect.

I've got a couple of options of the actual tank colors yet to choose, but I'm thinking pretty retro on this one. A mint or teal, with a cream colored off-center stripe that lines up with the gas cap, which is also off-center. Hopefully this will look as intended and will also not mess me up while riding and trick me into thinking I'm in a constant right hand turn. Though with the forks aligning the way they are right now, that may happen anyway. We shall see.

At any rate, it's a theme here. Off-center. 

Good. Bad. Or otherwise, it fits me like a glove.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Makes the heart grow fonder

OK, so it's been a few days (or sooooo) since my last blog post. Sorry about that. Though I don't think there's many who would even notice such trivial things; perhaps someone did and that's a big deal to me and a big thank you for noticing my absence.

On with the show.

My homage to the Plymouth and Grandpa Fogle has arrived, my Fury emblems. Gonna have to clean them up and touch up the paint on them some- or maybe I won't, might look even better. But they're here so I got a little giddy about that. Not gonna lie. I think they will be just flexible enough to bend ever so slightly to fit along the tank lines nicely. I actually think this may be one of those mind's eye theories that actually comes together exactly as intended. Time will tell, and there's always time for an idea meltdown or two- it happens. But even though we crashed and burned on the first one, this second idea... it's lookin' good so far.

Checked in with the master parts supplier eBay and it's looking like the shorter brake line may be arriving today. So that's cool, and hopefully that's correct. Two things I want (and need) this bike to be.

Once that's settled and secured, I can add some fluids back in. Let's see, there's likely a few different ones and  I need to make sure I don't skip any (duh). So, new brake fluid for the front (back is mechanical and not hydraulic (1983 remember), need some gear oil for the rear shaft drive, oil change... then some fresh gas for the 'ol tank once that's reinstalled. And honestly, I'l probably wait until the last bit to add that. Never know how many times I think I'm close to firing it up only to remember things like a bolt or screw or pressure this or that. Can't say I've been entirely diligent in keeping firm records of the order of things. Maybe that's just me, and maybe that's just that 'do-it-my-way motorcycle vibe thing' coming through.

Nah, it's probably just laziness.

Plus, I think one of the first rules in hot rod building is this:

Before you make it go fast, make sure it'll stop.

Good one to remember.

Friday, June 3, 2016

These are not the paints you're looking for.

Friday Funday is upon us once more, and so once more I'm trying to sort out a bit of a "plan" for this weekend's build. I say "plan" in quotes, 'cause you know... that just seems like the most accurate way to say it, in my case.

In thinking more about the tank ideas and what I should do or can do or can make not look too stupid and poorly executed do, I keep coming back to that concept of honoring gramps and doing the Fury emblem / auto thing. So, I thought I'd leave it up to the gods of eBay and, if I found a set that wasn't a gazillion bucks and in OK shape, I'd go for it and push the proverbial BuyItNow button.

Great way to make a design decision on a project. Leave it up to eBay. And some guy in Canada, who has what I need.

So anyway, The Great eBay and The Canuck have spoken and so, we're off. A brief, crappy Photoshop from this morning. Just to be sure of concept. And 'cause it's already too late to change my mind anyway...

I'm digging it. Decision made. And like most things on this build, since I'm already taking things apart and changing them, there's little reason to think I can't do the same again at some point. Maybe, if all this silliness actually turns into a reliable and running motorcycle - which the jury is still plainly out deliberating on - I can actually change out the tank every year and some sort of homage to how mental I've been these past 8 months...

Probably not gonna do that.

I'm also a big fan of having a TON of unfinished projects, and with my short attention span, I probably will need to get her running and call her complete.

And move along.

Move along.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Not too far ahead

I try not to get ahead of myself. I really do. And hey, it's better than not trying... and I'm usually one to apply myself to things. Probably got that one from my mother, like most of the other ones, too.

So last night was another short walk down to the garage, a nice cabernet in hand and not too much on the agenda in terms of actually getting anything accomplished, except maybe a new mental plan for this or that (which I got) and a measurement or two (which I took). The fun thing was, I just felt like the mood was different. Shifting. Maybe. And in keeping with that usual premise of applying myself, I just wanted to ride that swell a bit and see where it takes me.

Amazing what a couple weeks can do.

Anyway, as I mentioned I do try and not get too far ahead of myself and so I'm gonna still go with that premise and keep the happy genes in check a little bit. Still, the bike is looking good and coming together and that's a cool thing, too. So much so, that it seemed like a good idea to roll it outside the garage, take some time to clean and sweep and throw away and dust (not really), maybe change the playlist to something different than the usual... just mix it up a bit more. Freshness is paramount here at Mitchell Moto.

Got another trip to the hardware aisle at Home Depot last night for some plate bolts and cotter pins, then visited the paint aisle once more to see what's what. Yes, I hate the idea of painting the tank with some stupid rattle can of something 'metallic' from a home improvement giant. And one could argue that, with spending fresh dough on a new exhaust system when I wasn't originally gonna, and that same dough on other things like front wheels and stuff that wasn't in the original "I can do this really cheap" mental plan (they always start like that I fear)... that I should send the tank off to a professional to spray it right. And perhaps if I would get a quote and is wasn't outrageous I may consider doing that. But probably not. The tank is that one focal point that seems to be where the eye wants to go first; and I've sort of crafted it to be that way, too, by colors and lines (I am an advertising professional after all...). I've seen many cool things and I've got some cool ideas or adaptations of others cool ideas, but will share another time.

Next, the license plate bracket for the side mount, since I was guessing as to the axle width and length required, is the wrong size. Intentionally this time. Since I figured I was gonna be picky about how that looks and mounts, I bought one that's several inches too long, so I can drill and cut it to fit exactly where I want. Me me me me me me me.

But yeah, the tank. Will have to figure that out soon. Or will probably just go with whatever the latest idea floating in my head will be at that time.

I tend to do that one, too.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Doin' what you say you do


Well, in this case, it's not really a proud moment. However, true to our motto here at Mitchell Moto...

"There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over."

So yeah, that's my new 37" braided stainless steel brake line. The one that should have been 31", as you can see.

But hey- a motto is a motto and I'm living the true life these days, so there ya go. Got a new one ordered and on the way, and now I have something to get excited about in these here pages and something to talk about! Let's all get excited about that!!

Anyway, enough of that nonsense. It's becoming fun to walk into the garage and dabble with small things and details. Now that the exhaust has been firmly established... there's less and less of a need to change into the old get-dirty jeans and wallow around on the floor like a fish out of water. So it's a little more civilized lately, standing or sitting on a stool and politely turning a wrench and smiling and saying "Good day" to passers by. I'm such a bad ass.

Front brake delay not-withstanding, the bike is coming along nicely.  Now that I've given myself an August 1st deadline to get her running in order to give up my garage rental, I really want to keep things moving. Yesterday was a fun day, though a little bit of a bummer. See, I had ordered 4 or 5 small things I needed, like lights, and mirrors... small stuff. But through the virtue of the USPS, they all arrived on the SAME DAY. Nothing like maybe spreading out the joy for at a least a few more; nope- all in the same day.

Still, that Merry Christmas To Me Day brought some smaller projects I can start with, like mounting the license plate (without a legal light- see above for bad ass statement) and the K&N air filter is here, though that will probably be mounted later since it's expensive enough I don't want it to get damaged while I'm throwing my next temper tantrum because something got ordered the wrong length...

Sometimes I amaze even myself.

[thanks Han]