After all, why do things the easy way, when I can do things my way instead.
I've seen a few lately and I dig it. Lemme back up. The spirit of this whole 'cafe bike' thing is really around this anti-factory ideal. This 'not a bike off the showroom floor 'but rather something unique, one-off, one-of-a-kind special nameplate of a statement. Hi. My name is ____ . It's like that. Great stuff. And if you know how to actually mechanicalitize a motorcycle, you're in even better shape.
I don't so much that part. but still, I'm doin' it anyway, so screw you.
(See how it works? And, just kidding by the way).
So, this related project. The helmet. Now, it does seem like in keeping with the whole retro or semi-retro theme, the 3/4 open face helmet of years gone by is the de rigueur helmet of choice. So, I got one of those and could be done with it. But I've seen some 'custom' art done lately, and a custom art version that wouldn't require 6 weekends of airbrushing and masking and patience. Lots of patience. And I've got no time for that stuff around here, not with this bike still not in working order. So these helmets I've seen are simply sharpie painting. Just drawn on. And some of them are really well done- not that I'm gonna try for that so much as it will be, just like my bike build choices- all me. Mine mine mine mine mine.
So OK, so I've got some figuring out to do. Wouldn't be a Mitchell Moto bike build without some seat of the pants decision making. But I dunno what I'm gonna do yet. So that will be the next thing to sort. Or may be I'll just leave it laying around the coffee table in the house along with a couple Sharpies™ and just go to town when something strikes.
I did decide to pickup a super groovy orange metal flake version though, so the design with be more subtle but still come through nicely. At least that's what I see in my head.
And for sure that's where I see things the best.
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