Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lowering them expectations

Cryin' and moaning. Not exactly, but I'm starting to feel a little annoyed at myself and how things are progressing. I think it's really just boiling down to this; I have this propensity for wanting things to be perfect and dialed-in and thought through, so that usually translates into things never getting finished or gets to an 90%-ish state and then sits, wanting for that final push that never comes.

Well, I'm trying to own up to that fact right now and accept it. And get 'er done. Fact is, that I won't in the near future have or acquire the funds to do it right and finish completely and the way that a perfect world would have it done. It's not going to be that well-sorted finished thing that's great to look at and fawn over. Never will be, and was never meant to be. Which is my point today.

I guess the epiphany is this. Given the above statements, and if I've truly been all along trying to build a bike to my own design and purpose and to reflect 'me' - then it should never be more than 90% complete.

If it's gonna be a reflection of me, then I should adopt this fact as fact, and not be annoyed I don't have the time or money or expertise to create a museum piece of rolling art to be placed in the living room, or perfect the front end with modern components or european panache. If it's gonna be me, then it's gotta be that. Wrinkles and moodiness included.

There it is. There I am.

So let's get this show on the road.

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