Tuesday, May 31, 2016

All's well that ends well

So, that happened.

Wait, lemme back up.

The new exhaust arrived! It was quite shiny and beautiful, and as I mentioned, I can be both distracted by shiny new things, and also was somewhat questioning whether to still go the mostly black route, since that idea was born out of of a bit of necessity of old parts being ugly and/or rusty. Or both.

Still, I had to be strong and stay the course, and so I did the unthinkable and painted perfectly good chrome shiny bits flat black. Was actually a silly kind of fun, like I was removing the mattress tag or turning left without the green arrow. Rebel yell, baby.

So here's how it goes. Laugh along if you'd like:

Installed front pipe first.

Installing the rear pipe got tricky when it couldn't be fully seated due to hitting the front pipe.

Removed the front pipe.

Installed the rear pipe once more, though difficult to secure the hanger bracket because of the rear tire. Plus it's not lining up exactly right (see above pic) and something is not quite right.

Swear some. Then go watch a soccer match and leave it for now.

Back now.

Remove rear wheel.

Install the rear pipe. All is good. And tightened up.

Install front pipe.

Drink a beer and marvel at how amazing I am with a wrench.

Reinstall rear wheel- only the axle won't slide in because the rear pipe is now in the way.

Loosen the rear pipe enough to allow the axle to slide in, only it's hitting the front pipe again.

Remove the front pipe.

Loosen the rear section, get the rear wheel mounted once more.

Tighten up the rear section.

Reinstall the front section.

Drink a beer and marvel at how amazing I am with a wrench.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

So I've been thinkin

While I await the notification of delivery of the exhaust system today, I started a new project. Well, it's not a new one but rather a related one. A necessary one. Well, not a necessary one, but since I'm me and all that, it was bound to happen.

After all, why do things the easy way, when I can do things my way instead.

I've seen a few lately and I dig it. Lemme back up. The spirit of this whole 'cafe bike' thing is really around this anti-factory ideal. This 'not a bike off the showroom floor 'but rather something unique, one-off, one-of-a-kind special nameplate of a statement. Hi. My name is ____ . It's like that. Great stuff. And if you know how to actually mechanicalitize a motorcycle, you're in even better shape.

I don't so much that part. but still, I'm doin' it anyway, so screw you.

(See how it works?  And, just kidding by the way).

So, this related project. The helmet. Now, it does seem like in keeping with the whole retro or semi-retro theme, the 3/4 open face helmet of years gone by is the de rigueur helmet of choice. So, I got one of those and could be done with it. But I've seen some 'custom' art done lately, and a custom art version that wouldn't require 6 weekends of airbrushing and masking and patience. Lots of patience. And I've got no time for that stuff around here, not with this bike still not in working order. So these helmets I've seen are simply sharpie painting. Just drawn on. And some of them are really well done- not that I'm gonna try for that so much as it will be, just like my bike build choices- all me. Mine mine mine mine mine.

So OK, so I've got some figuring out to do. Wouldn't be a Mitchell Moto bike build without some seat of the pants decision making. But I dunno what I'm gonna do yet. So that will be the next thing to sort. Or may be I'll just leave it laying around the coffee table in the house along with a couple Sharpies™ and just go to town when something strikes.

I did decide to pickup a super groovy orange metal flake version though, so the design with be more subtle but still come through nicely. At least that's what I see in my head.

And for sure that's where I see things the best.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

'n checkin it twice

Wednesdays. Hump Day. The middle. I hate being in the middle. Feels like nothing's getting done. I dunno why. Call me weird. Won't be the last time for that.

So I had to double check on the shipping status of some things coming my way, in hopes that they will be arriving by the weekend. The exhaust is the big one obviously, and the website still said 'processing' so I had to check myself. A very sweet lady said indeed it should arrive tomorrow, so baring any odd complications we should be ready to get that large project done.

For probably the third time. Still, better right than wrong and better good than bad, so blowing a few grocery budgets on a better exhaust will be both of those in one swoop, so I should be able to put a large check mark next to the exhaust part of the to-do list.

And by now, I  r e a l l y  want to get some progress made. Admittedly, I've been lackadaisical in my attempts at progress and have also been easily distracted by other shiny objects that happen to come into my line of sight.  Like a small child, I can be. (and thank you Google Machine for helping me out with the spelling of lackadaisical. Geeesh.). Sometimes... it's just the word you need to use...

Yeah, some personal things have been there, like usual for me these days. Some of them may have a happy ending and some may not; always in motion, the future. (Thanks Yoda). Regardless, life has to go on and breath must be taken, so another weekend approaches and baring any sudden interruptions of awesomeness (which would be welcome albeit unlikely), I may be able to get some real progress this weekend on the bike.

Which I guess is why you may be reading this blog in the first place. The BIKE. Or maybe not. Irrespective of that factoid, it's my words and my stuff and my brain flatulence, so what comes out comes out. That's how it goes.

And yeah, I probably could have use different words for that part. Apologies, Dear Reader mam or sir.

But imagine for a moment how great this blog would be, should I be able to come out the other side of some of these personal challenges and maybe get a win or two. I, for one, feel I'm due for a little break in the sequence or a little bit 'o luck, so who knows. Stranger things can happen and do all the time. Sometimes things just work out in strange and wonderful ways, and I'd like to think I'm all about not wasting any of life's opportunities any longer.

So back to the bike. Thank GAWD! I am back on the train of black is the way to go so I will be painting up the brand new chrome exhaust and making all that appear like it's been showing up in my head for the past several months. Just the way to go; no doubts there. (Thanks, Watto).

Maybe the front brake braided line will show up by this weekend, too. Though it's not looking likely. Still, the exhaust will take a day to fully mount and seal up. Once that's done I do think I may grab a pen and paper and write up a list of to-do's and can't-dos and can't-affords. Maybe committing them to a sheet of paper will help me commit them to getting done a little better. I've actually given myself a deadline now, so maybe that will help as well. Usually does, even if I do wait till the last minute.

Hey- it's still a minute.

Monday, May 23, 2016

What comes around goes around

My first thought this morning was to throw a few musical notes in the mix and see how it sounds.

(see what I did there?? Hmm?)

Anyway, enough of my own pun-tastic self. Thing is, sometimes it does feel a little bit like musical chairs, this build. Back and forth and round and round, and when the music stops (i.e.: payday) something gets bought for the bike and the rest of the things continue their rounds until the next song stops. And on and on it goes. You should see the amazon and eBay watch lists... The Wizard of Oz Scarecrow's theme song comes mind... "Just because I'm presumin' that I could be kind-a-human,
If I only had buck…”

Oh wait, that's not exactly right.

Enough of that silliness. And geesh, for a Monday I seem a good mood to be in, unsure why of that, but take it I will, and move along. Move along.

Saturday was garage day this weekend. First order, and sticking with the theme of today's silliness, I went back and removed the exhaust that I so painstakingly hooked up the weekend prior. 'Cause yes, it couldn't stop myself and took the plunge and order the right exhaust... dang it all to heck. But I had to; it would have bugged the living crap out of me and that just ain't right. Can't have those kind of negative thoughts swimming in your head when you're riding a motorcycle. It's just not safe. Really. And so, in the sole interest of safety and security... I get a cool new exhaust system. Love how that works!

I do have a small side note of something to solve. In the interest in saving a few dollars.. or a hundred of them, I did go for the fully chromed version of said exhaust. So, although I've been fully integrated in the notion of a mostly if not all black motorcycle (except the engine. At least so far...), I may actually find if difficult to scratch up and paint a perfectly good and shiny new exhaust system black. Likely not... but will probably photoshop something quickly just to get an early indicator of how difficult this decision may become later this week. Ahh, the miracle of modern technology.

So, got the handlebars a little closer to completion, getting the clutch and front brake levers assembled and mounted, along with the switch controls on both sides. Nothing's connected yet, of course, 'cause that would just be way too much progress for a single weekend. Still, I was able to figure out a good length for the front brake's braided stainless steel hose and get that ordered. Crossing fingers a bit that it won't conflict or otherwise get in the way of the headlight once that's mounted. Still unsure which way to go with that decision, but will likely be able to lean on that Photoshop machine this week and make a decision. I love the idea of the one I bought a while ago; integrated turn signals in an LED housing, just simple black design. Except the quality turns out to be not that wonderful so I dunno how well it will hold up. Others are better, and correspondingly costlier, too, as things usually are.

Regardless, one step closer and not too far off from being able to tackle the wiring soon. The exhaust picture should be completed this week, assuming it arrives as planned. Once that's done, again, I can move toward the other things, those smaller things that are coming together, one at a time.

That's the idea. Get some mechanical things completed. Exhaust system; check. Front brake 'system'; check. Tank painted; check. Like that. Then it feels like getting things done. Feels like progress.

Otherwise, it's just round and round. And while it's a great song, I wanna move forward now.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

This for that

OK, so that's settled. It looks and sounds like I'm gonna have to go for the better exhaust. I slept on it and thought on it and 'with a little help from my friends' advice, I gotta do it. Honestly, too much of this build rests on how it all looks and sounds for me; those etherial details that reach out and touch you beyond 'oh yeah, it's a motorcycle, big deal'. It's more than it may be for those who don't 'get it'. Or see it.

See what I mean?

I would be lying if I said this won't impact the order of things and completion date, should there actually be one of those. And I don't like lying. But that's OK. It's not exactly riding season here in Arizona USA right now, and honestly I'm just getting back to being excited to work on her and do it right. Maybe I'll pick up a cheap plastic pink piggy bank and put it in the garage; might help with the parts list a bit more...

Checking up on the arrival date for latest parts order - the front levers - looks like I may actually catch a brake this time (pun intended) and have them arrive before the weekend, so that will be great and that's the plan. Once those are mounted, I can then figure out a bunch of other things like headlight choices (keep the cheap one I already bought that's not exactly the right size but can work, or choose a single or double option from others I've seen that are a bit more, or...) turn signal options, grips, speedometer and tachometers and other stuff. I've had OK luck selling a few things from the bikes original disco-fury days so that always helps with the needs list.

For this build, I'm actually just down to 2 major items and then several smaller ones. Well, sorta. The smaller ones I can usually figure out a budget for, or probably in all honestly just pull the trigger on those and then go without that extra box of Lucky Charms or bread or laundry detergent. Besides, I love the look on my son's face when I show him the cool parts I've bought and then how we're gonna not eat for three days because of them.

Kidding. Don't call DCFS.

Wait, he's 20- call 'em all you want. He's got more money than I do anyway.

Besides, we're building a badd ass tough guy take no prisoners motorcycle dammit and sacrifices must be made. Bike and tattoo budgets must be maintained. After all we do have old ladies to scare and villages to plunder.

Or is that pirating?...

I always get those two confused.

Anyway, back to the build. Back to getting things done. And back to some inspiration...

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

That worked out not so well

I don't like it.

Well, lemme 'splain. The exhaust currently mounted, one that's been 'modified' to be Not-So-Harley (NSH) as before... namely removing all the chrome bits and pieces that make you wanna just sit in the driveway and polish them all day instead of riding (wait... never mind). So, said exhaust then gets painted a flat high-temp black to try and make it disappear a bit more, and added an inexpensive 12" canister to the end of it and all then call it a day, done, finished 'enough' and let's move on.

That was the plan, and the plan mostly worked.

Yes, there's a few challenges left since the mounting points don't really make sense and will have to solve that issue- not a big deal.

The bigger problem is just this. I don't like it.

The lines are wrong and the angles don't make sense. And as much as it's the last thing (or things) I want to do is back up and start a few things over, the biggest thing I don't want to do is choose something that doesn't aesthetically work. 'Cause even if I can never get this thing running again, it has to look cool sitting in the living room.

I'm kidding. Most likely.

I've had a wish list exhaust for months, but it's been one of those things that keep me up at night; by the time I'm done this will have cost me more than the bike itself did. But the thing I've realized is, there is no reason why I shouldn't take my time and get it right. And this other way I had in my head just didn't pan out as I hoped. Or maybe the better way to say it is, it didn't hide as much as I'd hoped. Regardless, I think I'm back to trying to budget this other exhaust...

... cause the lines are right and it's a 2 into 2 and it'll sound better and it looks a ton better and I won't be bugged by this thing or that thing that only I can see but I can see it.

And the weird justifications then come into play, like it's offered in all black but that version is $400; the chrome version is $300 and I can then sand it and paint it and rough it up somewhat and it's sort of like the same as my original idea, except it's better and cost more money.

So I guess some things never change.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Where to put it all...

Well, I figured out a few things. One, I can procrastinate. I mean, like really applying myself procrastination. Quality stuff. I'm good at it, too.

Two, the fact - and I knew this would happen, 'cause it's happened before - once I got this bike looking like 90% of what the finished bike will look like, I lost a lot of momentum. The big changes from cruiser to semi-sport bike in the looks department were fairly dramatic. Now that that part's done, it's harder to get up for the little stuff that will make it run again, since I can spend all day working away on this or that and nothing looks any different. It's like putting a new roof on your house. In the end, you spent a ton of money and your house looks exactly the same.

Looks matter, I'm tellin' ya. And I probably mentioned that part about myself a while back.

Still. this bike needs a lot of work in the personality department, so I really gotta get my rear in gear. I've been distracted a little bit (or a lot bit) with some personal things and those things are still around and a little consuming from time to time... but I gotta press on. Otherwise these bike things will never get fully solved, and with personal things comes the occasional need for a distraction from said personal things whilst they work themselves out in one fashion or another. So, all those confusing sentences add up to this: just work on the bike some more and get things working again.

End of sermon. I've seen the light and run to it and now it's time to get back to the job at hand.

Strange how in this wonderful digital age and google-ness that I still cannot figure out what size the stock master cylinder piston is. I've checked repair manuals and service manuals and forum groups and facebook peeps and still no real concrete answer. Since the previous owner decided that he could just reinstall the master cylinder cover with drywall screws, I can't reattach it since it's - well, screwed up. A lot. So it's back to the eBay wish list and adding new front brake master cylinder. Then the clutch lever won't match, so I need a new one of those now, too.

Looks matter, right?

Anyway, I think I'm about to make an educated semi-guess and go for a set w/ 14mm pistons and cross my fingers the bike stop when that need arrises. After all, I'm sure I'll be testing such things prior to running it out into traffic. Probably.

Cool thing is, once the new levers get here, I can mount them and then know how long the reduced-length cables will need to be, so I can order those. Then I'll feel like progress is being made, and the look out the proverbial windshield will be closer and closer. It'll be cool to climb aboard and see grips and levers and things working.

Next, new speedo is needed since the old one is dumb. Yeah, that's the nicest comment I could come up with for that. Not sure where I'm gonna go with that unit, I've seen some cool solutions and need to sort that out. Saw someone mount it off the side which looked cool and is completely non-functional yet legal (maybe). Still, it's back to that same dilemma; part A needs to go here but part B and C need to go somewhere, and if I'm gonna not use part D then B and C can go here instead.

All fun stuff to figure out. but as I said last week, I'm more in the mood for instant gratification and get her running again. I can revisit these things as budget allows, or as things fall off.

Kidding. Probably.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Should I stay or should I go

Or maybe in keeping with the rock n roll song theme "One thing leads to another" is a good one today. And will probably be stuck in my head all day, too now.

In fact, I'm gonna Spotify that sucker right now.

Hold please.

I've not made it back to the garage since Friday. Miss her. Things coming up this week, or sometimes just not feeling it. I still have a short list of things to pick up before major progress here and there, so there's that. Mostly I'm getting and staying with the 'get it back together and ride it' mentality. And the funny things is, while I thought it might cause me to feel like I'm compromising or giving up on certain things a little bit, it's instead making me motivated to get the bike back together.

Once again I'm feeling positive about it's future. I can always go back and finish up this part of replace that one, and likely will. If this bike turns out to actually be a reliable and safe mode of transportation, and I have but a few reasons why that wouldn't be so, then I can, for instance, change the rear brake shoes when they start to go out or rub. Right now, they're fine. They work, don't rub, don't have any issues. So I'm gonna start leaving things that are fine as they are and move to things that actually aren't fine as they are.

Maybe another life lesson in there. Probably. It's how this blog seems to always turn; like a bad NASCAR race - I'm always just turning left. Perhaps I'm just staying true to my personally-assigned moniker of "Captain Tangent".

[ Now I feel like I should play a Captain & Tennille song, but I definitely don't want one of those stuck in my head. ]

Anyway, the old 'when life gives you lemons make lemonade' saying is a good one. I prefer to add some nice tequila to that mix, but that's probably not the point. This bike was a motorcycle at one point, and a not-so-bad one at that. Dated sure, but old doesn't mean dead as I can attest, and so now, all I wanna do is ride. Life. Roads. All of it. Time to get things back together, where they belong, and hit the road. See it. Be it. Do it.

You get the point. It's been a sermon here on and off for weeks, and likely longer. I'm ready to get on with it. So I'm doing my best to get the other half ready to do the same. She's still in pieces a bit here and there, but the box of things to remove and throw out is spilling over, and the box of things fixed and replaced is getting to be just about empty.

Almost time for us to hit the road together, doll.

And time for another Spotify tune...

"Nobody gonna take my girl - I'm gonna keep her to the end.
Nobody gonna have my girl - she stays close on every bend.
Ooh she's a killing machine - she's got everything.

I love her, I need her. I see her. Yeah she turns me on.
Alright hold tight - I'm a highway star."

Friday, May 6, 2016

The things she says

So the weekend is here. Well, it's Friday so I'm just gonna go with it's here now. Let's be honest and just say I'm usually halfway checked out from doing anything productive regarding that 'work' thing anyway on a Friday, and since I'm usually a stellar example of that go-for-it attitude during the previous four days of the week, I feel somewhat justified in this way of thinking. Even if it is a little bit of my own reality vs. a real one.

And I've got a busy weekend of family stuff and things I need to do and take care of, like always. Well, the family stuff this particular weekend doesn't happen every weekend, so it's important and I will be the diligent family member and a good boy and do all those things.

And some of it I actually want to do. So there's that...

Regardless of the busy schedule, I am still of the mindset from the previous post and in keeping with that tradition. I'm gonna forge ahead with the things that will get this baby rolling and running once again. And I'm probably not that far off that becoming a reality, though starting and running and solid and stable are likely three or four different things at this point. Still, will be nice to hear it roar again, and since I have a new exhaust canister that I am really hoping will help this one sound a lot less like a Harley, I've got an eager reason for wanting to crank it over soon.

After all, half the fun of a motorcycle is the sound. And sitting in her current state, she sounds way too quiet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lowering them expectations

Cryin' and moaning. Not exactly, but I'm starting to feel a little annoyed at myself and how things are progressing. I think it's really just boiling down to this; I have this propensity for wanting things to be perfect and dialed-in and thought through, so that usually translates into things never getting finished or gets to an 90%-ish state and then sits, wanting for that final push that never comes.

Well, I'm trying to own up to that fact right now and accept it. And get 'er done. Fact is, that I won't in the near future have or acquire the funds to do it right and finish completely and the way that a perfect world would have it done. It's not going to be that well-sorted finished thing that's great to look at and fawn over. Never will be, and was never meant to be. Which is my point today.

I guess the epiphany is this. Given the above statements, and if I've truly been all along trying to build a bike to my own design and purpose and to reflect 'me' - then it should never be more than 90% complete.

If it's gonna be a reflection of me, then I should adopt this fact as fact, and not be annoyed I don't have the time or money or expertise to create a museum piece of rolling art to be placed in the living room, or perfect the front end with modern components or european panache. If it's gonna be me, then it's gotta be that. Wrinkles and moodiness included.

There it is. There I am.

So let's get this show on the road.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Time is taking sides

There are times you can just tell when it's gonna be good. Times you can just feel the tide changing, and can see progress and good things. Times you can hear the gears falling into place and pieces moving into place.

This is not one of those times.

I'm beginning to suspect this bike has more issues than I originally found or... suspected. Still, confidence has not been shaken too far off it's rocker... yet.

The weekend didn't get as far as I hoped, but still found progress with some little things and medium things. Got the front end sorted; still finding issues or challenges with the front forks but have decided to turn a blind eye or certainly a hard-of-hearing ear to that problem and am moving on. It's nothing that a small pile of money can't fix, but I haven't seen that pile gathering outside the garage door yet, so it'll keep.

Got the front brakes taken apart, and mounted, sort of. Once the braided stainless brake lines show up I can mount them 'for good' and get that fixed up. Will be nice to have brakes again, I think. Even in it's current state of affairs it's an oddly disturbing fact to have a motorcycle without a means to stop. Weird. but true.

But once again, each time I work on something I find 3 things wrong with that section that will need to be addressed. Part of the gig I'm sure, and I make few complaints about it. Well, except for here where I'm sort of doing a combination of chronically my progress and bitching about my problems all at the same time. Hurray for blogs, and thank you Dear Reader, for continuing on my journey with me. Means a lot. Truthfully does.

So, in the midst of the headaches and heartaches and frustrations, I can still find time during a soon to be rainstorm that doesn't actually rain... to roll the bike outdoors and take a moderately interesting photo and feel good about it all. Makes me smile still, and that part is always a good thing.

Say cheese.