Monday, April 10, 2017

Flashing before my eyes

I've decided that if reincarnation does indeed exist (it doesn't) then I will really need to come back as an electrical engineer.

Or perhaps that could be some small amount of torture. I dunno. But right now it's a whole lot of torture not knowing which red goes with which brown/yellow/striped yellow/green/striped brown/beige or grey one.

I've mentioned this part before I think, but if I have to suffer through it then so do you- thanks for your support, Dr. Reader, by the way.

It's gigantically ironic that this new piece of modern is having trouble talking with the hand controls from Christmas past. A lot of Christmas's pasts, too. It's a little like a parent trying to understand their teenager; the teenager thinks you're so uncool, and you think they're annoying and stupid and expensive. (or something like that.)

Since I have basically four wires coming from the M-Unit (headlight, right signal, left signal and horn) that go to the left hand control that, er, controls those things, but 12 wires coming out of the hand controls to do so... something has to get figured out. I thought I would instead drop back and punt, and try and get at least one thing actually and positively solved. Figured out. Correctly corrected. So I did, finally.

The horn.

The horn sounds. Press the button, it beeps.

Man I am sooo bad ass. Stand back, people.

Still, while this both gave me a sense of accomplishment and glee (see- so bad ass to use that word), it also eliminated one of the wires that could have been for something else. Now, having fewer choices to choice wrongly from, I figure I not only have a working horn but also have fewer hours and shock therapies to get the headlight and turn signals working right.

Many combinations later, it's still unfortunately not right.

I think it's something about a momentary switch when it's looking for a non-momentary switch. Or maybe the other way around. I finally got it to where the rear signals would flash- yes! - but the cancel part of the controls wouldn't function. Only pressing them on again would turn them off. And so on.

Not ideal, but it worked. Still, it's not 'right' and there's little point in getting rear-ended because I thought the signal was on and it wasn't on. (and I haven't wired the signal indicator on the gauges yet either; another challenge once this part gets it's due.)

I think I'm gonna reach out to Revival Cycles and send them an email white flag a bit. I was hoping to get it figured out on my own without their help, both because there's a challenge in that, and it's a little like calling AT&T and asking why your cell phone bill is so high. They can explain things to you for hours, and you still don't understand.

But I guess in the end, if you wanna be a flasher, you gotta get the outfit sorted.