Friday, October 28, 2016

The other woman.

Gotta get back to it. Gotta get back on this build. It's been weeks or more since I've done anything of substance or made any progress, so it's time to get back on it.

Some personal things of late, mostly good, actually for a change. Some of them really great. And with that change for the better, it would seem I can get back on the preverbal horse and get this build rockin' and back on track again.

Since I mentioned the 'mostly good' part from before, I guess I can clarify. Sometimes, transitions are things that come along and sometimes they could have gone better or smoother or whatever the word is. Truthfully, I know all about heartache and hurt and sleepless nights and an indiscernible future type stuff. But it's a shame when things do go down, or change, or become something other than what you may have thought it would be, or what you wanted them to be... that we can't adjust and accept or deal accordingly, with grace, with humility, with honor. To keep the association happening. To maintain the friendship, the connection. Instead, turning ugly means everything that was once a great memory or happening can now be thrown in that same pile of ugly. Since it's been decided this is how it's gonna be, well, I guess this is how it always was, perhaps.

But it's a shame, that.

At any rate, this isn't a blog of about that mushy stuff, this is a build blog. But, the aforementioned happening has actually given me a little bit of pause in the design department. Perhaps it's a cleansing thing, perhaps it's an immature thing (like that's never happened before), but I'm wondering about maybe going more of a bobber route. Ditch the saddle from Taiwan of which I was at one time excited to have and, truthfully grateful to have as well. Ditch the rear subframe, too, and maybe go more of a bobber thing with just a small saddle and no subframe at all.

Hmmm.... I dunno. Maybe just what the psyche and the bike needs.

I do love the added rear exposure, so that part is cool. It was a close runner-up to the original thinking once upon a time, so maybe with these latest developments of change in my life and the ugliness that's unfortunately accompanied it all, maybe this is a nice way for the bike to go now.

Regardless of the direction, life is taking on a renewed meaning and definition, good ones for sure. So maybe my little Gasolina here deserves some renewed interest and design as well.

She is, after all, my otra mujer...

Monday, October 10, 2016


You see it? I did. Was the first thing I thought of when I started diving into this electrical nightmare and looking over all these schematics of what goes where. Tron. Loved that groundbreaking movie back in the day and I even had to watch the remake last week. All because this wiring diagram.

Man, the things I am influenced by. Geesh. No self-control at all.

So speaking of control, I've got a new plan for this bike. Since it's looking like (crossing fingers still) that I've got the Mystery of the Missing University Tuition solved in a manner that doesn't result in selling the bike, for now anyway, I want to get back to getting her running.

So, this plan- I do not think that word means what you think it means but I'm going with it anyway- is two-fold.

One, I'm gonna have to just go with the M-Unit, when I'm able to pull the trigger and buy one. I've tried many times and many ways to resolve the mysteries happening, and I've even stumped one place I managed a conversation with on what could be the culprit. Ultimately it's just come down to I didn't connect something correctly when it all went back together.

Well, can I hear an amen!

So I gotta just stop. Stop, take all the wiring back off completely and just toss it. Cannibalize it for connectors and misc stuff, but it's not working this way. Instead, I need to slow down, start with one thing, get that solid, and move on to the next. At the very least, connect one or two and get the hang of it and maybe then jump forward and get them all down. Either way, take it slow, and take everything that I'm not familiar with or more than that- don't know what's going on inside that 35 year old harness (which could be anything) and start 100% with new and pure and righteousness.

Can I hear another amen!

Secondly, I gotta not be afraid of the carburetors. Show no fear. Because there's little chance that now, having sat for so long without running, that they will function as they should. Little chance. So, while I'm not going to (at this point anyway) take them all apart and rebuild them (which they probably need to be) I probably will take them off the cylinders and give them as good of cleaning as I can. It'll be a little bit like taking a shower with half your clothes still on, but will be better than nothing for sure. Plus, this theory I have of things getting easier and all that 'learning' about a motorcycle by removing things, well, this should be something that proves that theory correct once again.

What could possibly go wrong?

So, since I'm gonna do the wiring from scratch, I can go ahead and get all the turn signals and all the brake lights and all those things I was basically just gonna do without for now- well, I should get them all mounted up and just connect them all. Make it go and make it solid, all at once.

What a novel concept that is...

See? Old dog new tricks, indeed.